Nor ote da Kevin Kelly?

“Inor ez da guztiok bezain azkarra”

-Kevin Kelly


kevinkelly1Nor da internetaren gurutzat hartzen den gizon bizardun hau? Has gaitezen hasieratik, bere jaiotzetik. Pennsilvanyan jaio zen orain dela 57 urte, Estatu Batuetako ipar-ekialdean. Insitutotik atera ostean, Rhode Islandeko unibertsitatean aritu zen urte batez. 27 urterekin bere kabuz argazkilari bezala zebilen. Adin horrekin, Jerusalenen, experientzia mistiko bat bizi omen zuen, eta hurrengo sei hilabeteak bere bizitzako azkenak izango balira bezala bizi zituen.

1981. urtean “Walking Journal” aldizkaria argitaratu zuen. Beste aldizkari askotan ere egin du lan, “Whole Earth Review”n eta “Signal”en, esate baterako. Baina “Wired” aldizkarian zuzendari exekutibo bezala lortu zuen bere arrakastarik handiena, 1994an Estatu Betuetako Aldizkari Sari Nazionala irabaziz. Aldizkari honetan editore izateak ospea handia eman dio zibermunduan.

Baina bere sormena ez da hemen gelditu, mundu osoan zehar ospea duten argitalpenetan artikuluak eta bestelakoak arigtaratu baitditu: The New York Timesen, The Economisten, Time-n, Esquire-nBere argazkiak Life aldizkarian plazaratuak izan dira baita ere. Berak idatzitako libruen artean, ospetsuena Out of control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems and The Economic World da.


WEb-aren hurrengo 5000 mila egunak

During this short article, we will try to explain a bunch of ideas that Kevin Kelly explained at the EG 2007 Conference. Kevin Kelly, founding executive director of Wired has made a name for himself in the new technologies world because of his articles in publications such as The New York Times, The Economist, Vanner and Science upon others. Let´s try to summarize what he predicts about the next five thousand days of the web.

First, he starts by a compilation of infomation such as the number of click the web has every day (100 billion), the number of links (55 trillions), the processing capacity (nowadays equals  to a human brain, but is is doubling every year) and son on. He uses this information in oder to argue the three main consequences of the change that will happen on the internet in the next five thousand days. This consecuences are three:

  • The machine, the web itslef is embodying. This means that our PC is nothing but a screen of a bigger web, a cloud, and that our PC is the tool to enter and participate into that cloud. Finally, every device we will work based on this machine, the web. An example of it are the phones.
  • Second, we are re-structuring this machine. Now different web pages work alltoegether by links that move you from one page to antoher, but this is changing. Internet will now link idea, being able to understand concepts. This evolution will come with the semantic web. Computer would not be linked to each other as they do now, ideas will.
  • Thrid, we are going to become completely co-dependant with the machine. There will be a fusion between atom and electronic devices. It happens, for example with cars. Most cars now work with electronic devices. If the electronic system does not work, neither does the car. If the electronic does not work, neither does the atom, the physic item: the car. Digital will converge with atoms, mixing our daily life with digital systems, being co-dependat one to each other.

So those will be the ideas that Kelly explains summarized, an interesting subject that we hope we will work on more later in this year.


Kevin Kelly (editor). (2008, November 4). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 13:20, November 7, 2008, from

Kevin Kelly: the next 5000 days of the web. (2008, Urriak 31). Blog de wordpress. Kontsultatua 13:32, November 7, 2008.